CASE STUDY: Ready Steady… Ready Meals
From juicy chicken curries to rich and saucy fish dishes, comforting potato topped recipes and tasty pastas, extended shelf-life ready meals have become a modern necessity for many. In fact, the process used in this rapidly expanding area of chilled meal production often exceeds the quality of standard chilled foods – it also offers major benefits such as the elimination of salt, sugar and other artificial ingredients usually used for preserving shelf life. This allows longer time in distribution and display while fully traceable production procedures ensure a high level of product consistency.
Reassured by our wide-ranging experience and the unparalleled quality of our machines, the client understood that combining the highest levels of automation with accurate process control would guarantee perfection of processing across an extensive range of supreme quality, ultra-convenient ready meals.
The fully traceable production procedures and first-class consistency between batches was fully ensured, providing a clear path to the company’s further growth in the sector.